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2018 California Visitor’s Guide Inspires Travel Ideas Around the Golden State

Annual guide offers hundreds of ideas to plan your next California vacation

Sacramento, Calif. (Jan. 4, 2018) – The all-new 2018 California Visitor’s Guide is now available, and features 727 travel ideas for exploring the Golden State. The 196-page magazine provides potential visitors with information and inspiration designed to make their next California vacation the trip of a lifetime.

“California has so much to offer travelers no matter what they’re seeking, from adventure to relaxation, and family activities to world class dining experiences,” said Visit California President & CEO Caroline Beteta. “The 2018 California Visitor’s Guide is the best tool to start dreaming up the perfect Golden State vacation.”

TV host and actor Mario Lopez adorns the cover of the 2018 guide and in the corresponding feature story reveals himself to be a true California Dreamer. “There’s so much that I want to do here,” Lopez said, “you could literally never leave the state if you wanted.” The Chula Vista native now lives in Los Angeles County and shares some of his favorite places to go and things to do throughout the Golden State—including LA hotspots to wine tours in Temecula and Napa.

California’s innovative culinary scene takes a star turn in this year’s guide via “10 Life-Changing Meals,” written by veteran food writer Jen Murphy. She scoured the state looking for only-in-California meals that deliver a true wow factor, and found an embarrassment of riches from trendsetting foodie cities to mountain towns and wine country. According to Murphy, the restaurant scene in California has never been more diverse and exciting.

Los Angeles-based novelist Ivy Pochoda (Visitation Street, Wonder Valley) explores the wonders of whale watching in the 2018 guide, noting that while she lives just a few minutes from the Pacific Ocean she often forgets it is there. Pochoda likens watching the large creatures break through the water to “witnessing a ballet in slow motion.”

The 2018 guide also includes:

- “Choose Your Own Family Adventure,” a helpful look at kid-friendly attractions throughout the state
- An annotated map showcasing 12 fascinating California museums
- A look at all 21 California Missions dotting the coastline 
- Information on urban walking tours
- And comprehensive guides to all 12 regions of the state

The 2018 California Visitor’s Guide, which has a circulation of 500,000, is available at California Welcome Centers, select newsstands, and on VisitCalifornia.com/cvg. 

For the most up-to-date news, plus fresh trip ideas and destination tips throughout the year, check out Visit California’s new blog, ‘California Now’ at visitcalifornia.com/now. 

Visit California is a nonprofit organization with a mission to develop and maintain marketing programs – in partnership with the state’s travel industry – that keep California top-of-mind as a premier travel destination. According to Visit California, spending by travelers totaled $126.3 billion in 2016 in California, generating 1.1 million jobs in the state and $10.3 billion in state and local tax revenues. For more information about Visit California and for a free California Official State Visitor's Guide, go to www.visitcalifornia.com. For story ideas, media information, downloadable images, video and more, go to media.visitcalifornia.com.

Media Contact:
Kristen Bonilla, Visit California
(916) 319-5421